Regular price $49.99
The Digiflavor Pharaoh Dripper Tank by RiP Trippers presents one of the most innovative and cutting-edge rebuildable platform to date, featuring a spring-loaded two-post design with clamp-style mechanism for unprecedented building configurations, slip-plate juice flow control, and precision click-clock airflow control. The Pharaoh Dripper Tank is a collaborative effort between Digiflavor and the influential RiP Tripper, establishing a perfectly balanced system that excelled in user-friendly functionality and performance effectiveness.
Digiflavor Pharaoh Dripper Tank by RiP Trippers Features:
- Design Collaboration by Digiflavor and RiP Trippers
- A RiP Trippers Project
- 25mm Diameter
- 3mL Juice Capacity
- Superior Stainless Steel Construction
- Unique Clamp-Style Two-Post Design
- Centrally Secured via Phillips-Screws
- Spring-Loaded Clamps for Easier Set-Up
- Adjustable Juice Flow Control - via Slip-Plate
- Precision-Cut Rectangular Airholes
- Click-Clock Airflow Control Ring
- Three Internal Airslots Beneath Coils Arrangement
- Direct-to-Coil Chamber Effect
- 10mm Black Delrin Widebore Drip Tip
- 10mm Anti-Spitback Delrin Widebore Drip Tip
- 510 Drip Tip Adapter
- 510 Connection
- Available in Stainless, Black, and Limited Edition Gold.
- 1 Pharaoh Dripper Tank
- 1 Anti-Spitback Drip Tip
- 1 Allen Key
- Spare Parts and O-Rings